oil seal, Leitz objective

Begonnen von Rene, April 24, 2017, 12:24:59 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hello all,

Got a Leitz objective which gave a bad image, so I decided to take a gamble and disassemble it. That worked out remarkably easy: after unscrewing the first slotted ring, the lens elements could be pushed out without a problem. I couldn't really detect a problem with the elements, so I cleaned and reassembled it and the image got a lot better (pfew!!) It might have been an element that had been dislocated slightly.

Now, there didn't seem to be a special sealing where the first element was inserted in the barrel (arrow). Is that normal for Leits oil immersion lenses? It is a tight fit, but I intend to use it on an inverted, so I'm slightly worried about oil penetration.

As always, replies in Deutsch welcome, best wishes,


Klaus Herrmann

Hallo René,

wenn ich die Linie von links nach rechts "lese", dann wäre wohl links ganz oben...usw?
Wenn das so ist dann verstehe ich das erste Element links nicht - oder wo ist der schwarze Ring am Objektiv zu finden?
Mit herzlichen Mikrogrüßen


ich ziehe das freundschaftliche "Du" vor! ∞ λ ¼

Vorstellung: hier klicken


Hi Klaus, indeed links is ganz oben. The black ring is the retainer, it stays within the barrel of the objective. If you push the front element down, it slides down at the tip of the arrow.
Hope that makes sense,

Thanks, René