Styrodur(R) and Eldermarrow (holundermark) - a comparisson

Begonnen von Klaus Yde, November 19, 2008, 14:41:59 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Klaus Yde

With the help of two member of the forum I have just got several years suply of Styrodur and some eldermarrow. In Denmark Styrodur is not as easy to get as in Germany, but when I contacted the Danish representive via i just got a plate (50 x 50 x 5 cm) for free. That is service!


Just for fun i made two thin cuts with my table microtome and got a surprice. They were nearly identical in structure, pore size and color. I took a set of pictures through my stereomicroscope with the same magnification and a picture of my micrometer slide to make a bar.

The results can be seen her:



MvG Klaus Yde

Bernhard Lebeda

Hallo Klaus

sag ich doch die ganze Zeit ;D ;D

Viele Grüsse

und gut Schnitt



Hi Klaus
if you make a cut from Styropor ( EPS ) then you have a 3rd Picture with the same structure ;)

Klaus Yde

Hi Both

Sounds interesting - but why this old thread has been opened after 5 years I am not sure that I understand?

Kind regards

Klaus Yde

Klaus Herrmann

Hallo Klaus,

das liegt an Kislogoisla der alle alten Threads mit einem mehr oder weniger intelligenten Kommentar wieder aus der Versenkung holt. Er kommt mir ein weinig wie ein Troll vor.
Vorgestellt hat er sich bisher noch nicht.
Mit herzlichen Mikrogrüßen


ich ziehe das freundschaftliche "Du" vor! ∞ λ ¼

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