Wertschätzung: Hämatologisch/Onkologische Objektsammlung

Begonnen von Denis, Dezember 09, 2012, 16:26:30 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hi @ll,

ein befreundeter Arzt hat mich gebeten, hier eine Wertschätzung für seine Sammlung einzuholen, da er sie wohl in nächster Zeit verkaufen möchte.

Hier die Details:

"From 1997 to 2012 I have collected about 1400 blood smears, bone marrow smears and cytological smears from body effusions and fine fine needle tumor punctions as my private collection. The smears are all stained by Pappenheim-staining, as it was usual in internal medicine. I have documented the most impressive preparations by photographs on slides . The collection comprises all hematological  and hematologic-oncological diseases we found over these years, including some tropical diseases like Malaria, Trypanosomiasis and Filariosis. The smears come from patients of the University and from the City Clinics of my city. They were used for education of students and for colleagues who were on their way to get a degree in Hematology and Oncology. All of the cytological diagnoses had been confirmed histologycally. The diagnoses are documented in German language.
As I resigned my job as a leader of the Departement of Hematology and Oncology at the City Clinics last year, I would like to sell my collection to anybody who can further use it for self education or much more better for education of medical students and for trainees in Hematology and Oncology. We would like to sell the smears or the smears together with our slides."

Hat jemand eine Ahnung, was man für eine solche Sammlung verlangen kann?
