
Free webinar:

Begonnen von Safari, September 09, 2015, 12:32:19 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


The Perfect Match - Choosing the Right Digital Camera for Microscopy Applications

Which microscopy camera?
Dedicated microscopy cameras include a variety of features for specific applications – from fluorescence imaging of live cells to industrial metrology. But which features enhance which applications, and how do you choose the right camera?

Join us on
October 8, 4.00 PM CEST

The Perfect Match
In this webinar, you will learn how to choose the correct camera for your application, ensuring accurate digital images contain all the information necessary for analysis. Three of our experts in digital camera technology, life and materials science microscopy will explain:
■    An overview of digital camera technologies
■    Features that matter to scientists, e.g. sensitivity, color reproduction, resolution
■    How to create the perfect match between camera and application

Who should attend?
Everyone working with microscopes will benefit from joining, especially those wanting to choose and use the right camera to enhance their application.
