
Euglenophyte: Strombomonas

Begonnen von Rene, Juli 06, 2016, 14:08:05 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


New thingy today, for me at least. An euglenophyt in an Erlenmeyer flask ;-)
Not yet described, it seems. If you recognize it from your area, please let me know!
Overall length 45, width 30 µm. Freshwater, mesotrophic. The lower 'thorn' is located completely at one side of the flask.

Here's one in division. I hope I can keep it alive long enough to see it hatching!

Best wishes,


Hi René,

Interesting find! Were did this sample come from? Best regards,


Ernst Hippe

Hallo René,
in Huber-Pestalozzi, Euglenophyceen, on Table LXXIX he shows several forms very similar to your find. Very interesting!
Gruß Ernst Hippe
Vorstellung:Hier klicken


Thanks guys. The sample is a bathing water spot on the edge of Groningen. We got a lot of rain last week (-> nutrient run-of), with the warmth this week the algae start to proliferate. So suddenly I see euglenophytes everywhere.

Yes, Huber-P mentions S. ensifera, which looks most like it. But they are a lot bigger, and none of the varieties are recorded from western Europe. Middelhoek did a lot of work on Trachelomonas and Strombomonas in the Netherlands, and didn't record anything like it. I even went back to Deflandre in the 1920's for clues. The only ref I couldn't get was Conrad & van Meel (1952), but their findings should have been included in Huber-P just like Middelhoek's work.
Closest I got was S. conforti, only recorded in South America. Hmm.

Unfortunately, my pregnant sp didn't do anything indoors anymore, just laying on the bottom of the chamber...

Best wishes, René