
id help please!

Begonnen von Rene, Juli 25, 2016, 20:16:42 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hi guys, your opinion please on this scum from a bathing spot in the Netherlands. It started to float in midafternoon in spots on the surface, as a very loose light green-greyish layer.

It consists of small densely packed globules in an envelope, roughly 50 um in diameter.

Flattened it looks like this (same slide, nearly dry):

Look at the left one! Parasitism?

Sometimes these cysts got very big. Rotifer?

And what's going on here?

Thanks for comments,


Got a link from amoebe-expert Ferry Siemensma with a similar organism detected in Japan: http://www.wakasagi.jpn.org/js-news06-20130807o-02.htm. It might be an Anabaena-feeding amoebe from the genus Asterocaelum.

Best wishes, René