Umbau ZEISS Axioskop 20 auf LED

Begonnen von Alfons Renz, November 11, 2021, 21:17:01 NACHMITTAGS

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Alfons Renz

Hallo, liebe Foristen,

Hat Jemand Erfahrung mit dem Umbau eines ZEISS Axioskop 20 auf LED?

Es sollte kein Problem sein, eine LED auf der Höhe der 6V Halogenleuchte zu positionieren.

=> Liesse sich die vorhandene Spannungsversorgung so umbauen, dass die LED damit betrieben werden könnte? Platz für eine raummässig kleine Elektronik wäre ja vorhanden.

Vielen Dank für sachdienliche Ratschläge!



Naturally Stephan Hiller will be able to supply a conversion or a DIY conversion set.
(I'm using 2 of his sets on Olympus BH2 scopes, very satisfied even DIC and Phaco work out with enough light for 40* with the standard LED set doing protists/ciliates work and taking pictures, 100* requires additional flash to "freeze" the movement).

Alternatively TDKK in the Netherlands supplies conversion kits, I myself have a Do it Yourself kit in use in one of my Olympus CH2 scopes, good and very pleasant pricing. Phaco and Darkfield till 40*, both are fine.
TDKK has a Axioskope 20 specific set, no experience on that one though.

Best, Maarten
Reading the German language is OK for me, writing is a different matter though: my apologies.

A few Olympus BH2 and CH2 stands with DIC and phase optics.
The correct number of scopes to own is N+1 (Where N is the number currently owned).