CZJ Phase Constrast for Laboval in a MS5 PZO

Begonnen von elurdio, Mai 10, 2023, 16:23:33 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Recently I bought a Variable Phase Constrast Kit for a Laboval (Phv Apl 0.9/o Achrom 160/0.17) and installed it on my MS5 PZO microscope. The turret fits fine, but the objectives are short for my scope. In the picture below the stage is at its maximum height with the 90x objective in place. It's too far from stage. It seems they are incompatible with my scope, or there is something I'm missing?


Hi Elurdio,

it seems to be that the microscope objective has a different parfocal length, the standard for this Phv-objective-set is 45mm.
The second point is the 90x microscope objective is not part of the (original) phase contrast set.

Greetings from Berlin

PS: You wrote ".. but the objectives are short ..." That means, all microscope objectives are "to short"?

Gerd Schmahl

Hi Elurdio,
This is not a kit for a LABOVAL. The LABOVAL has a grey condenser. The black one belongs to the older Nf- or Ng-Mikroskops. The corresponding lenses have a balance length of 33.65mm.
Best regards
Fossilien, Gesteine und Tümpeln mit
Durchlicht: Olympus VANOX mit DIC, Ph, DF und BF; etliche Zeiss-Jena-Geräte,
Auflicht: CZJ "VERTIVAL", Stemi: MBS-10, CZJ SMXX;
Inverses: Willovert mit Ph


Hi Elurdio,

its a big problem! If you use Distancerings, you got a longer Tubuslengt and the objectives are not longer parfocal.
The best way is, try to lift the stage in any way (I cant help, cause I dont know the microscope.)
More pics were helpful.

Das Erstaunen bleibt unverändert- nur unser Mut wächst, das Erstaunliche zu verstehen.
Niels Bohr


Hi Elurdio,

some pictures taken from the Laboval 3 equipped with the phase contrast set. As you can see, the distance of the microscope objective to the sample (stage) is rather short (magn. 20x,40x and 100x), except for the 10x.


Gerd Schmahl

Hi Elurdio,
from Mikrofibel by Klaus Henkel
green: what you got
red: what you need
blue: your microscope
LG Gerd
Fossilien, Gesteine und Tümpeln mit
Durchlicht: Olympus VANOX mit DIC, Ph, DF und BF; etliche Zeiss-Jena-Geräte,
Auflicht: CZJ "VERTIVAL", Stemi: MBS-10, CZJ SMXX;
Inverses: Willovert mit Ph


Thank to all of you for yours answers.

It is a pitty, but my scope's stage can not get higher.

I alsi bought a PZO Negative Phase Contrast Kit, but I would have liked to test this CZJ Variable Phase Constrast. I took a risk buying this one not knowing if it would work on my scope. I expected it to, but ...


Zitat von: liftboy in Mai 10, 2023, 19:42:25 NACHMITTAGS
Hi Elurdio,

its a big problem! If you use Distancerings, you got a longer Tubuslengt and the objectives are not longer parfocal.
The best way is, try to lift the stage in any way (I cant help, cause I dont know the microscope.)
More pics were helpful.


For now I don't dare to touch the mechanics of the microscope.

What I have done is to buy four 12 mm extensions for each of the objectives and, when they arrive, I'll try to see how it goes.

With achromatic objectives without compensating eyepieces, lengthening the distance by 12 mm, what harmful effects are there?


The 12 mm length extender arrived today. I have tried them in BF with 10x, 20x and 40x CZJ objectives and the original 40x PZO objectives for comparison and they seem to work fine.

The problem arrived when I tried to adjust the phase rings and I realized that the rings DON'T move, are all stucked or springs have no force or ... I bought the kit on ebay and the seller said that mechanically it works fine, but it is not true. What a pitty.

The PZO kit works fine for Phase constrast but not for BF since I can not center it (my scope condenser rack is not centerable). The CZJ turret has levers to center the iris diapragm (they work) which is fundamental for varibale phase contrast.

The PZO kit is for negative phase constras and I tried with some protozoa and I think that not worth it, so I will use only BF/DF/Oblique.

I've had enough of second hand stuff and my old PZO so I'm going to buy a simple new microscope (possibly a Primostar 3)