Cretaceous Diatoms from Marca Shale collected in Panoche Hills, California

Begonnen von bill2penn, Juni 04, 2024, 12:01:23 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Beautiful Michael!

Anne, I believe this is now called Benetorus morenoensis by Pat Sims. It's sort of similar to Benetorus fantasmus.


Michael K.


Vielen Dank für die Bestimmung. Im "Journal of Paleontology "  ist diese auch auf Pl.17 Fig 1  mit

"Craspedodiscus morenoensis Long" benannt.

Es ist also eine einbettungswürdige Diatomee...



Hello everyone,
Here is another unusual form I discovered in a nodule. I think it's related to Rutilaria. There are two valves connected by strands of glass in the center of each valve. (The round dark dot in the center of the first image) I show a top-view where one valve is almost directly over the other. And then a sort of side-view where you can sort of see the dark band in the middle connecting the two. The stacked images were taken with a Leitz Apo 40x/0.95 with correction collar on a dried strew sample without any coverglass. This may be a previously unreported diatom form since I can't find anything exactly like this in the literature. There is a paper on Cretaceous Rutilaria here:
