Nikon BE plan 10x 0.25 and a Mitutoyo M plan APO 10x 0.28 lens comparison

Begonnen von FRanck, November 14, 2024, 18:31:44 NACHMITTAGS

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I am sharing with you a comparison between a Nikon BE plan 10x 0.25 lens (MRN70100) and a Mitutoyo M plan APO 10x 0.28 lens (378-803-2).
The subject is a very small fly that measures no more than 3 mm that was walking on apples in my kitchen.
I photographed it in exactly the same conditions and then processed it in post-processing with exactly the same parameters.

Nikon BE plan 10x 0.25 :
Shots :
Result :

Mitutoyo M plan APO 10x 0.28 :
Shots :
Result :
The results are different in terms of brightness and contrast rendering with a clear personal preference for the Mitutoyo.
On the other hand, I find that there is only a slight difference in terms of resolution/sharpness between the two images with a slight personal preference for the Mitutoyo.
It must be said that the Nikon is very good and remains unbeatable in terms of quality/price ratio, just like the Lomo 3.7x 0.11.
I find that the major advantage of the Mitutoyo is its enormous working distance, which perhaps explains the difference between the Nikon's image background and the lighter background of the Mitutoyo ?

Equipment : binocular magnifier / Microscope science infinity / Home macro bench
YouTube channel :
flickr image gallery:
first name : Franck


Hallo Franck,
Thanks a lot for sharing. Nice results from both objektives. But I agree that the Mitu  picture has got a slight advantage oder the (much more budget-friendly) Nikon.  Especially in terms of lighning and the sharpness of the edge of the eye. Is this because of focus banding, or is this because of the charakteristics of the objektive itself ("telecentricity"). What do you think?
What step size do you use?
And how do you mount your specimen (which glue)?
Greetings Holger
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Hello Holger,
Thanks for your feedback.
I think that the main advantage of the Mitutoyo lens is its working distance, but also its apo correction and its optical quality but of course, the lens does not do everything. Patience and above all humility (we learn every day in the technique of focus stacking, that's what I find interesting).
I think that the lighting, the optical quality of the tube lens, the design of the macro bench, the control of vibrations, the subject more or less easy to stack, the magnification ratio, etc., etc., also determine whether the final photo will be successful or not, but of course, the quality/characteristics of the microscope lens plays also its part .
Concerning telecentricity, I admit that I have not checked but it is said on the internet that it is indeed good on Mitutoyo lenses (to be checked . . .  Next time I will check if the size of the subject changes more or less in relation to the focusing distance).
For the focal length step, it is about 3 hundredths of a millimeter.
I use liquid cyanolite glue on a paper clip for light specimens or thicker quick epoxy glue on a toothpick for heavier specimens.
Greetings FRanck
Equipment : binocular magnifier / Microscope science infinity / Home macro bench
YouTube channel :
flickr image gallery:
first name : Franck


Thx again for your info.
For mounting specimen I could give you a good tip.
Try to use "Bondic" glue. It's very easy to apply in even minimal drops. It's UV activated and hardens immediantly. No fumes or white condensation like cyanoacrylate. You can put a small amount on top of the toothpick, touch the specimen and harden it in a fraction of a second. Very handy for this job.
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Equipment : binocular magnifier / Microscope science infinity / Home macro bench
YouTube channel :
flickr image gallery:
first name : Franck