

Begonnen von Schrodt, Januar 05, 2020, 16:58:04 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo Mikrofreunde,

es hat mir Spaß gemacht und fasziniert mich immer wieder zum Jahresbeginn bei dem trüben Wetter die Dynamik und das Farbenspiel von Seifenhäuten mit dem Mikroskop zu betrachten und zu fotografieren.
Nachstehend einige Bilder davon.

Mit herzlichen Mikrogrüßen

Jürgen aus Hemer



Very nice !

Would appreciate a (link) to a guideline how to do this!
(And my scope needs some cleaning up: so this would be "killing 2 birds with one stone".

Reading the German language is OK for me, writing is a different matter though: my apologies.

A few Olympus BH2 and CH2 stands with DIC and phase optics.
The correct number of scopes to own is N+1 (Where N is the number currently owned).


Hallo Maarten,

I appreciate your interest in soap skins. The following " link " describes the production of the microphotographs.


With cordial micro greetings.

Jürgen from Hemer


Reading the German language is OK for me, writing is a different matter though: my apologies.

A few Olympus BH2 and CH2 stands with DIC and phase optics.
The correct number of scopes to own is N+1 (Where N is the number currently owned).